Steady progress with decks and veranda considering the 30 degrees plus temperatures and spending two weeks away in the West Kootaneys.
With all major parts now installed it really feels like I have turned a corner. Lots of sanding, fairing and painting to come!
Some pics...
4.5" holesaw purchased specifically to cut holes for ports - my jig sawing is wanting |
Veranda sides sealed |
Deck installed |
Flush trimming the decks |
Glassing the decks |
Lazarette done and hatches dry fit |
Dry fit veranda sides |
Fore,aft and port doublers |
Port coamings installed with epoxy and screws |
Needed to add a little height to the 6 mm veranda sides |
Packing tape coated cleat with pre-drilled screws very 2" to hold down roof for epoxying |
Clamping fore and aft doublers and filling screw holes with toothpicks |
Kind of 'Mad Max' looking |
Messy at times |
Beveled side decks so aft deck mounts flush |
With mock up rub rail |
Buffer with sanding disc to bevel aft deck doubler |
Doubler installed |
Fuzzy pic of rying on the veranda for size - note the veranda curve matching bow curve |
Results of six months (with interruptions) building fun! |
Kootenay Lake interruption |